Things I’m Up To These Days…
Right now:
Teaching and serving as Assistant Program Chair/Assistant WIOA Coordinator in the English as a Second Language Program at San Diego College of Continuing Education (SDCCE)
Serving as Associate Editor of Applied Linguistics, an Oxford Academic Journal
Turning my dissertation, “Gated Entry and Code: A Critical Feminist Inquiry Into English as Gendered Symbolic Power Amongst Multilingual Women,” into a book
Working with my longtime writing partner, Dr. Michele McConnell of CSU Fresno, on a journal article and book chapter
Submitting a book chapter for review
Not-So-Distant Past:
Served as an English Language Specialist in Indonesia with the U.S. Department of State (July 2024)
Gave the plenary talk “Leveraging Home Languages and Promoting Linguistic Inclusivity for Student Success” at PELTIN
Completed my 2023-2024 Stanford University EPIC Community College Faculty Fellowship and presented at the EPIC Symposium
Presenting (virtually) at TESOL 2024
Attended the CATESOL State Conference in Alameda in October 2023 and was installed to the CATESOL Board
(Virtually) delivered a keynote for the “Implementing EMI in Higher Education: Lessons from Global Pioneers” workshop in Algeria
Served as an invited speaker on humanized writing assessment at the National Writing Center Consortium’s 5th Annual International Conference